2022 Finalists: Update
We are announcing a change to the 2022 Finalist lineup. Due to a scheduling conflict, Claire Tsai has withdrawn from the competition. We are pleased to share that Vedant Karalkar, initially recognized with an Honorable Mention for his outstanding proposal on measuring the phytohormone ethylene in space-grown plants, will take Claire's place as Finalist.
See the updated slate of Finalists below.
2022 Finalists

Madhav Gulati (17) & Vineeth Sendilraj (15)
from Lambert High School in Suwanee, GA
Topic: Detecting Alzheimer's disease risk from long-term space exposure

Annika Marschner (17), Nikol Miojevic (16) & Benjamin Armstead (17)
from Ithaca High School in Ithaca, NY
Topic: Effect of spaceflight on neuronal growth and development

Vedant Karalkar (17)
from Eastside High School in Gainesville, FL
Topic: Measuring the phytohormone ethylene in space-grown plants

Pristine Onuoha (17)
from East Chapel Hill High School in Chapel Hill, NC
Topic: Impact of stem cell development on astronaut telomere dynamics

Xina Wang (17), Rohit Suresh (16) & Harsha Rajkumar (17)
from Amador Valley High School in Pleasanton, CA
Topic: A CRISPR-based test to analyze plant root health in space