Genes in SpaceTM started in 2015 as a collaboration between Boeing and miniPCR bio with the goal of inspiring young minds to solve real-world problems in the biological and physical sciences. Since then, generous sponsors including the ISS National Laboratory and New England Biolabs have joined us to support this unique program.
We’ve now received thousands of inspiring, student-led proposals, and our alumni have enabled outstanding space biology milestones. We celebrate creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking among young innovators by renewing the challenge every year. Thank you for joining us in this exciting journey!
Boeing, as NASA’s prime contractor for the International Space Station (ISS), provides research integration, sustaining operations and maintenance for the utilization of the station. The ISS, a U.S. National Laboratory, offers a unique, microgravity environment that enables scientific research to benefit mankind.
Space-tested miniPCR™ technology powers DNA analysis aboard the International Space Station. miniPCR™ is equally accessible to your lab and classroom. Learn more about our technology, software, and educational curriculum at www.minipcr.com
In 2005, Congress designated the U.S. portion of the ISS as the nation’s newest national laboratory to optimize its use for improving quality of life on Earth and advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. The ISS National Lab manages access to the permanent microgravity research environment, a powerful vantage point in low Earth orbit, and the extreme and varied conditions of space.
Established in the mid 1970's, New England Biolabs®, Inc. (NEB®) is the industry leader in the discovery and production of enzymes for molecular biology applications and now offers the largest selection of recombinant and native enzymes for genomic research. For nearly 50 years, NEB® has been committed to the advancement of science and science education. For more information on our products and corporate initiatives, please visit www.neb.com
Scott Copeland
Co-founder of Genes in Space, Boeing
Kevin Foley
Co-founder of Genes in Space, Boeing
Ezequiel (Zeke) Alvarez Saavedra, PhD
Co-founder of Genes in Space, miniPCR bio
Sebastian Kraves, PhD
Co-founder of Genes in Space, miniPCR bio
Ally Huang, PhD
Lead Research Scientist, miniPCR bio
Marc Bliss
Program Lead
Learn about the scientists who help our Finalists turn their proposals into launch-worthy experiments